Monday, August 11, 2014


        As the month of August or first week of August comes, first grading period is already over. Second grading period enters. New topics will be discussed and new challenges to be faced. But that doesn't mean we need to forget or ignore our past lessons.
        I, actually, had a lot of experiences and reflections before, during and after the first grading period. At first, I was an idiot or a little bit confused on "BLOGS". Because I don't often open my Google account and discover more about it. Another is, I was harden to spell or correct my grammar in posting new blogs, because underlined-red-marks will appear as an error or it would be incorrect. I would get even mad if the internet crashes or fails, making my work unfinished. But these things thought me a lot. I should be more attentive and listen to the teacher and pass tasks or requirements on time.
        I could reflect these in my everyday life. Like being more "maagap" in doing my works. And also to be more aware on what's happening or information's across the world or the universe.


  1. Truly, experience is one source of knowledge. We could learn through our experience

  2. Wow! You are really a good writer/blogger. I'm a fan of yours!~ God Bless!

  3. Although, you met difficulties in doing this activity, you totally addressed the challenges given to you.. Continue writing and be a good model to every writer ahead!

  4. Good Job Marie!..Keep it up..Learn more to improve your work..:)

  5. Nice Work Marie! :) You Can Be A Good Writer. Just Keep Up The Good Work. :D

  6. I like your writing technique. This was a good start for you. Keep it up! :)

  7. I like the way you expressed your thoughts. Keep it up!
