Wednesday, October 29, 2014



              Mid-October comes. Another page is about to unfold again. A new chapter will be opening in the next days. But the question is, did |I improved? Did I done something wrong? Am I ready for the next challenges and regrets?
              I took and reviewed some few flashbacks during the 2nd grading period. I learned alot  from our subject, especially HTML TAGS and BLOGGING. There were many activities that we did during the period. Sometimes, I do have difficulties in these activities for I delay passing it. I do copy and write in my notebook, but I read them seldom, causing for me to cheat during tests/quizzes. Sometimes, we excuse ourselves for some competitions to join, but tons of assignments/ works shall be passed or done after it.
               Back to the present, I had realized that I became more lazy doing my school requirements than the 1st grading. But, there's still 3rd and 4th grading, meaning I still have 2 more chances to change everything. Well wish me luck next grading!!! God Bless me!!

1 comment:

  1. Strive hard and no matter what happens don't loose hope :D Don't be shy to express all your insights about school life. :) :)
