Saturday, October 18, 2014



                   People nowadays are fat, chubby, weak and unhealthy. That is why there are these organizations of cities, provinces and even at schools, that promotes a subject M.A.P.E.H. Which composes  music, arts, physical education and health. Especially in physical education, it helps us to be physically fit and healthy in ourselves and to our environment. But M.A.P.E.H. would be none of its sense if there is no sports.
                   Sports helps us in building up our skills and abilities in such games. It maybe in strength of the body or the power of the mind. It also developes our values, in sportsmanship and teamwork. 
                   In our school, Ilocos Sur National High School, the M.A.P.E.H. Club conducted a sports festival with games to challenge all students to use their talents/skills/abilities in sports. THE INTRAMURALS. Last September 18, 2014, the INTRAMURALS started, with the theme, "Sustaining Excellence and Teamwork through Sports and Dancing." There were many students joined the said celebration. Students wearing green, yellow, blue and red with different sports wear. At the second day of the intrams, typhoon Mario came. So, the celebration has extended and continued after. There were winners and there were losers.
                    But, we should never forget to be physically fit and healthy, we maybe an athlete or not. Stay healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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