Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Dream...My Future

"My Dream...My Future"

           Do you pay attention in how fast time goes by? Before we realize, time has passed by and all the dreams we had for our future have not yet come true. The reason is because our dreams are just dreams and haven’t yet become goals.
          Life is no Nintendo game. You live only once. Therefore, we must fulfill those precious one called Dream during the rest of our short Life. 
Everyone has dreams. Whether they be to become a scientist and discover new and amazing things, or become a star basketball player and be the highest paid player in the league, people dream about their future. 
          As for me, I have my own dreams too. If you ask me this in my childhood, I would say: “I want to be a teacher… I want to be an actor… and so on…” But if you ask me now, I will tell you I have only one dream right now. And that is to become a successful business woman someday.
              My dream is to be great neurosurgeons. I know it is not simple at all. But I know I can achieve it. I feel like this is my destiny. This is why I came to this world.  I do not know when or how I am going to achieve this. But it will not be easy. I am constantly studying in school right now. I cannot give up even if I fail. There is a saying that failure is the greatest teacher. I know in order to pursue my dream, I will face failure. This cannot be stopped. Even Albert Einstein and Sir Isaacs Newton faced failure when they are trying to create a great formula that is remained to be used till today.
But before achieving dreams such like that, I must first study well and finish a bachelor’s degree and become a professional or if not, for a vocational course I needed for an occupation nor job. And after I graduate and had employed a job, I could help my parents in our daily living.
          I will do anything and everything just to achieve my dreams. For my dreams are my future.
Dream is something that all of us need to have. It is our vision. Dream is what you want to do for your future. I believe that having a great dream, is a must to us. Dream can help you to prepare to face this challenging world. What am I going through now is just the start. I just find the keys. I am still trying to open the door. When I finally did, I will not hesitate.

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